Fourth Year: Out of four elective courses, two subjects are chosen.
Objectives of the Study Program
The curriculum of the "Economics" study program has been developed in accordance with the obligation of the Faculty of Economics Brčko to regularly update its curricula, on one hand, and to take into account the labor market's need for qualified economic professionals, on the other hand. The curriculum and programs are aligned with the requirements of the Bologna Process and the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska.
Within the 'Economics' study program, two specializations are offered:
Accounting and Finance and
The objective of the "Economics" study program is to educate specialists in the narrower scientific fields within the scientific area of "Economics," with a particular focus on the narrower scientific areas of Accounting and Auditing, Business Finance, and Management, at the first-cycle level of study. Starting from this main objective, the study program is designed to enable students to acquire knowledge both in fundamental scientific and teaching economic disciplines and in the scientific-teaching disciplines covered by the term "applied (business) economics." Throughout their studies, students are encouraged to seek and develop their own career paths, which is made possible through the selection of a track and a set of mandatory and elective subjects. The "Economics" study program is based on a combination of theoretical and professional-applied knowledge and aims to prepare and equip students for independent work in the fields of accounting, finance, and management, thereby facilitating their easier, quicker, and more successful integration into the real business environment.
The "Economics" study program – Management track is designed to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for launching and leading independent entrepreneurial ventures and projects, as well as for managing and leading in all types of organizations and at all organizational levels. This is achieved through the ability to make business decisions and successfully implement all fundamental managerial functions: planning, organizing, managing, and controlling. By gaining fundamental knowledge in the application of information technology in business, students are trained to evaluate and select appropriate information-technology solutions that can be successfully applied in various functional areas of business operations. Through the curriculum, students also learn and adopt skills in teamwork and decision-making. Free internet access allows students to easily search available databases useful for solving problem-based tasks and analyzing real-life situations from business practice, thereby complementing theoretical knowledge and encouraging critical thinking on the topics.
The objective of the "Economics" study program is, in addition to the aforementioned goals, to prepare students for independent scientific research work, aimed at deepening existing knowledge and developing new insights, thereby preparing them for potential continuation of their education at the second and third cycles of studies.